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Tecno Eléctrica Potosí
More than 40 years of experience
We have products from multiple brands of Electrical Material, with the best service and the best response times.
National shipping
Delivery at your location all over the country
*Restrictions may apply
Low prices
Find everything you need at incredibly low prices
Extended warranty
Extended warranty in our products
*Restrictions May apply

Av. Salvador Nava Martínez # 456
Col. Nuevo Paseo, CP 78328
San Luis Potosí, SLP
444 822 2490
444 822 1390
444 822 0199
Office Hours:
Mon. to Friday: from 8:00 hrs. to 6:00 p.m.
Saturday: from 8:00 hrs. to 2:00 p.m.
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